NAME: My name is Olukosi Quddus Adewale (AdewaleTheTeam)
CREATIVE FIELD: I’m an Artist PR and a Digital Strategist (Music Producer low-key)
BRAND NAME: TheTeam Media
SOCIAL MEDIA HANDLES: IG & Twitter: @Adewaletheteam
IN 3 ADJECTIVES, DESCRIBE YOURSELF: Respectful, Gentle, Rough.
FAVOURITE QUOTE: “The Sky is Big Enough for Us All.”
LOCATION: Ota, Ogun state.
HOW HAS COLOGENY HELPED YOU SINCE YOU BECAME A MEMBER? COLOGENY has helped me connect to different people, and made me know lots of things in the digital world. COLOGENY taught me the basics I use in running my present life.
HOW DO YOU THINK THE CREATIVE SPACE IN OGUN CAN GET BETTER? With COLOGENY’s course, it’s the leading community that has the main focus, of getting Ogun state to the right place, so we members need to help in achieving the dream. As COLOGENY is progressing, Ogun digital creatives are increasing too.
WHERE DO YOU SEE COLOGENY AND MEMBERS IN 5 YEARS? Each member is doing better than he/she was doing before he/she joined the community, and I am one of them. So, I know we all will be great and better in our various fields, and make the community better. I’m also looking towards being amidst the top creative community in Nigeria.
IN THREE LINES, WHAT ARE THE NEW THINGS YOU’VE LEARNT OUTSIDE AND INSIDE THE COMMUNITY THIS WEEK? COLOGENY has taught me so many things this new week alone. If I am to start counting them, the space I’ve been given won’t be enough. The community taught me how to be patient when creating a new brand. Don’t be too bossy and see your workers as your colleagues, not slaves.