One thing I believe, "maktub" - as it is written. Whatever happens to man has been predicted or written to happen, well it's not compulsory it happens but we aren't limited to them.
One thing I believe, "maktub" - as it is written. Whatever happens to man has been predicted or written to happen, well it's not compulsory it happens but we aren't limited to them.
We really can't deny the fact that we found “quantitative reasoning" in primary school difficult. Test your brain and improve your cognitive ability. Here’s a round of brain teasers to test your wit!
I didn't know Tom and Jerry were not real until I grew out of that stage — well, they still remain the hero of all times. Well, whether there are mutants, zombies, or people that have superpowers, I'm not sure for now. But please, we don't want to snap out of that reality.