You are currently viewing BEST WAY TO HANDLE LOSS




What’s the best way to handle loss? How do we wrap our arms around the memory of what’s lost? Loss is one thing we pray against daily, yet have no power over; the thought alone hurts and can make us shout: “God Forbid!”

How do we rewrite what’s already written? Can you change fate? Maybe if we place a pea-sized amount of faith on life’s brush, then we can paint a reality into existence; as we allow faith to still do the heavy lifting.

A lot of things can be lost and not regained; but there’s the possibility of getting another chance. A lot of time has been lost in 2020 and October is another opportunity to fill up the void; that has been left by the pandemic. One day can be the difference between getting it right and getting it wrong. Imagine what you can achieve with thirty-one of it.

Before I lose your attention, even if you’ll forget everything you’ve read up there, remember this: A New Day Is Another Opportunity To Do What You Couldn’t Do Yesterday. Do you still have shots you need to shoot for goals yet to be scored? You can start shooting now!

So, what’s the best way to handle loss? I hope you can answer that now.



This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Marvin

    A New Day Is Another Opportunity To Do What You Couldn’t Do Yesterday. Word for today.

  2. Dreak


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