Lurking around on one of my tabs, I got a hunch to share this with creatives – very needful. A lot really don’t know its importance, so let’s roll. Since the invention of different models of gadgets, decision has to be made on what kind of specification, our mobile devices should possess to be suitable for our job type.
Many modifications have occurred. We now have Android smartphones, iPhones, small and
large tablets, or even phone/tablet hybrid, etc. Choosing your structure of mobile devices for work, is solely dependent on what you need to do with the mobile device, and where you will be using it.
However, I’ve decided to highlight some terms and conditions to consider, when choosing the kind of mobile devices that will be adequate for your work needs.
1. Portability: If you’re the type that doesn’t carry a purse or briefcase with you, when going to work or an occasion, it’s very advisable to get a smaller smartphone that will easily slip into your pocket.
There are numerous smartphones with different sizes including iPhones. Hold various
models in your hand to see which ones feel most comfortable.
2. Word Length: Considering how voluble your word use will be, is really essential to selecting
your gadget’s model. Whenever you’re writing anything longer than quick search, tweets, text messages, or short captions, making use of smartphones can be slow and prone to errors – screen size is the number one barrier. At the point, it’s best to purchase a device with a physical keyboard such as a netbook, laptops with an inbuilt keyboard or you might as well purchase an external keyboard, that can connect to your mobile device via USB or Bluetooth.
Whereas, if you are buying an external keyboard, be sure it is congenial with your particular mobile device, and consider how you can be moving it around. If you hate stress, buy large tablets.

3. The Longevity Of The Bar: The fear of poor battery life is the beginning of job saver – wisdom too. The downfall of several mobile devices – especially the ones with wide, bright touch-screen display; is their poor battery life. It’s really common for mobile devices to come with a low capacity battery. So, whenever you want to buy a desired mobile device, and its battery’s capacity is less than 3500mAh, it’s best you purchase an extra battery, if you don’t wish to run out of juice at the end of the day. The best capacity a phone battery should have is 4000mAh and above. For laptops, the battery’s capacity might be 5200mAh, 5600mAh, 5800mAh, 6000mAh, and above.
4. Outdoor Usage: Different mobile devices have screens that are, difficult to make use of in full daylight, even when cranked up to full brightness, which drains the battery much faster. The help of the Retina displays on new Apple devices, has made it possible to perform well in full daylight. It is as well advisable to purchase a mobile
device, with a Bio-blue OLED display to keep the eye from unnecessary strain.
5. Image & Sound Quality: If you need a mobile device for creating, not just showing or playing multimedia content, then pay special attention to the built-in camera and microphone. Don’t just go for the highest-megapixel camera. Look for reviews of camera optics and image processing features. The secret to a good video is good

Written by Oni Joseph
Pictures from Pinterest